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changing from extension.html


New Member
If i change and redesign my site and say base around worpress.

Will there big a problem going from current urls which are .html extensions to permalinks without this extension.

Would i lose PR and SERPS? I have about 200 pages all pretty much hard coded apart from blog section.

Would the solution if this is a problem be add .html to the extensions in permalink settings within WP?

Re-directing 301 would not be possible with this amount of pages would it??
If you move and change all your urls, then it will hurt you. The degree of how much it will hurt you is directly relative to the amount of trust Google has in your site.

if you are thinking of doing it to the site you have just got on the first page of Google, then you must have started on the beer early this morning, or maybe you just got in ;)
if you are thinking of doing it to the site you have just got on the first page of Google, then you must have started on the beer early this morning, or maybe you just got in ;)

Thanks, OWG!! Maybe i should stop tinkering:blush:

Would it hurt even if i added the .html permalink extensions within WP?
So urls would display the same.

If i kept urls the same apart from losing .html part. so go from to - would this hurt?

I am starting to find issues with the way the pages are designed all tables so big task changing things sitewide. Put some JS in to help but felt if i could redesign the management without changing the look too much would be good.

This would be a big task for me though once done would be much easier to manage from then on i imagine. Though your right obviously if this would have a bad effect on SERPS aand PR etc i would surely need sectioning if i then did this.
New URL means new Page. That applies to the WHOLE URL, directory/filename.suffix

A new URL will take time to index and rank plus the number of 404s that you will have to make provision for will need careful consideration.

Lots to do if you (Unwisely) take this decision. 301 redirects, htaccess (if unix/linux) Custme Error pages and so on. I wouldn't choose to do this for my clients or one of my sites.