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Choosing a company to promote on Paydotcom


New Member
Hi, Im brand new to this, so any help Id appreciate. On the companies have an APS score. Is there a score I should be looking for? Will there be to much competition with a higher score? Thanks.
Hi DirectWeb,

Welcome to 5 Star. I've never worked with PDC so I'm not sure.
But I hope one of our other members can help you out.
Thanks, I just purchased My Data Team a couple days ago and trying to educate myself. Do not know anything about this stuff. Do you know if thats a good training program?
A question similar to this was recently asked about Clickbank

Neither Clickbank or Paydotcom has the type of programs I prefer to promote but I can tell you some of the basic things.

With Paydotcom the APS is Affiliate Power Score. Paydotcom keeps a few things about it secret to try to keep people from abusing it.

The score is computed daily basis with the number of sales, total refunds, and affiliate earnings being a big portion of what is taken into consideration. They put importance on the number of unique affiliates making sales during the last 150 days. They give more importance to the most recent sales.

There is more to it but I've covered the most important points.

Also, I assume you are possibly asking about data entry programs. I won't talk about any particular data entry program. But if you are interested in something in general about data entry programs, here is a thread that could be helpful http://affiliate-marketing-forums.5...m/newbie-affiliate-forum/8723-data-entry.html
DirectWeb, you said something in your first post that caught my attention:
Hi, Im brand new to this
While I am not going to say anything about any specific data entry program I would strong suggest that you would be much better off if you avoided them. There are much better ways to get started. You have probably already seen that if you read the thread I suggested about data entry.

Since you are brand new to this, the best thing for you to do would be to completely clear you mind of any thoughts you might have based upon things you might have seen or heard that often sound great to people who are brand new to this.

You are already in the Newbie Affiliate Forum. You should read everything in this newbie forum that you possibly can. Pay particular attention to the "sticky" threads but try to read all you can. It will take a while, but you are going to learn a lot, so it is worth it. You will have a better idea about things to do as well as things you should avoid.

You will probably have some questions as a result of what you read. Please feel free to ask them. We don't try to sell you anything and we don't allow the members to try to sell you anything.