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Co-OpWorld Pure Free MONTHLY Profit-Sharing Project 2006



Co-OpWorld FREE Project 2006

Co-OpWorld is a global MONTHLY profit-sharing Community that let anyone, just as a FREE registered member

- Share MONTHLY Profits with the Community for FREE

- Access any kind of targeted community , group, and connect with other members all around the world for FREE

- Advertise effectively as never before their Local Business through 3D virtual expos etc.

- Recruit and Earn commissions plus coop profit-sharing points getting FREE new members in the Community

- Invest small amounts and earn additional revenue in the Community using the local community partner tools ( LCP ) etc.

- Get unlimited FREE services

Profits in 2006
The business will not be profitable until late in 2006. You can of course start Making Money immediately through the Free Affiliate Program.

Initially most income will be pumped back into growing the network to create even more value for all.

When Profitability is entered , Each Month 80 % of what is left from the Community Revenue after paying expenses will be distributed IN BONUS PAYMENTS to MEMBERS.

The 80% distribution is placed into a Bonus Pool which is split FIVE (5) ways.

5% FREE - General members !
This will allow us to say when we become profitable, that you EARN , EVERYtime, EVERYone in the community purchases commissionable products.

50% Active members ( FREE members who log in the members area, help the community with inputs and alternative contributes etc. )
30% Founders
10% Charities voted by the members
5% Investors and key senior managment

Please focalize the attention to the profit distribution and you'll see that FREE and ACTIVE ( that are also free ) members partecipate to the profit -sharing with good returns.

Co-OpWorld Overall Benefits
- Innovative Internet Community,a sort
of NEW AGE PROFIT-SHARING internet Group
that uses an Ingenious theory called



- REVENUE SHARING with all Members

- REWARDS for NON Monetary Contributions
and input

- This is also an Important Chance to try to
Protect and Ensure Financially Your Family
for FREE.

- The GREAT NEWS is that there is long term
INCOME Potential for Everyone who becomes
a part of Co-OpWorld and they DON'T ever
need to spend to Benefit.

- You can EARN from MULTIPLE Income Streams
within the Community Including Revenue
Generated from the ENTIRE Company Sales,
NOT just your DOWNLINE !

Co-OpWorld is a new breed enterprise that seeks to benefit not just our shareholders, but each of Our Members.

>>> But Co-OpWorld is also Connecting Communities ......

Co-OpWorld has developed a Community Expo platform to help bring people together through our Network of Local Worlds and Worlds of Interest.
We're working towards building a network of websites for 4000 Local Communities and 4000 Special Interest Communities such as bonsai gardening, skateboarding, small business, poodles and scrapbooking.
We hope you'll take time and explore Co-OpWorld and our 3-D Virtual Expo buildings. We'll shortly be putting together a number of powerpoint slide presentations and also audio tours to guide you around our community. It's a vast network we're building with the help of community minded people around the world.

The backbone of this Family Friendly Virtual Environment are the 3-D Expo Pavilions and the Web Conferencing Facilities powered by VoIP (Voice Over Internet Protocol ) VoIP is a technology you will be hearing a lot more about at Co-OpWorld and the wider media. It is revolutionizing the way we communicate.

Co-OpWorld is providing these facilities to bring together the following types of Communities:

1. Local Communities
2. Special Interest Communities.
3. Community Groups (such as Schools, Churches, Spoorts Clubs and Non -Profits)
4. Online Communities (such as Freecycle, Craigslist, Friendster, MySpace, MeetUp etc)

We provide these Communities with open access to our platform, 24 hours a day, 7 days a we

ek.We see it as a great way of building a network of people co-operating to create a better world, by meeting and interacting with the people that they want to 'connect' with.

The volunteers at Co-opWorld are putting together a getting started guide for each of these groups that explains what we're offering more fully and how you should get involved to help us create a family-friendly Interent that is not cluttered with advertising, junk or inappropriate material.

In the meantime, make sure you are registered so you can stay in touch with announcements as we launch more and more aspects of the Community Network. Register FREE here :