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“Adavice”/  “CPA

Completely Irrelevant Ads On My Site


New Member
I am not not new to adsesne. But I have not really messed with it since I am more of an SAAS kind of website guy. But for the past 4 months in my down time I have been messing with a photography blog that I have. It currently

gets approx 300 unique visitors a day and I sell about 6 amazon products a month along with approx 7 adsense clicks a day. All together the site alone makes about 100 dollars a month. Not much, I know, but I think I can be doing better with adsense. When I view the website myselfRarely will I ever see a relevant ad on there related to photography. I have disabled interest ads... still had irrelevant ads.... Then I disabled 3rd party ads... THEN ALL of the photography ads never appeared again.... Then I enabled 3rd party ads back, and started seeing photography ads

again. And now I am back to 6-7 clicks a day.

I am not sure if there is any secret or technique to help get rid of these ads that have nothing to do with photography but if anyone has any suggestions that would be great... I could sit here for weeks blocking advertisers urls but im not wasting my time. I do quite well with my SAAS sites
so I am not going to waste my time on a 100 dollar a month blog... But I figured if there are any suggestions as to how I can get the ads more relevant to the site that would be great.

I have already split tested the ad placement to know where the best spot for them are and which ones work best as far as image vs text.... Now I just need relevance so I can let this site work its hardest.

Thanks in advance!
AdSense ads these days don't only target the content of your website. They alsop target recent searches that the visitor has made, so if you search for coffe pots you'll see ads for coffee pots, while if one of your visitors recently searched for cars they might see ads for cars.

To optimize your earnings from AdSense, you're better off letting Google manage what ads appear and just disallow anything objectionable or unsuitable for your auidence. Google has this down to a science - don't try to reinvent the wheel and you'll likely make more money.

Don't forget that even regular visitors to your site likely have interests in addition to photography.
I wonder - if you're only selling items related to photography, why not try and close a direct deal with any provider? A lot of places set up affiliate programs on the cheap, through ShareASales, AffiliateBot, etc. if even just for 1 strong affiliate, and more follow (because you can OFFER an affiliate program).