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“Adavice”/  “CPA start ranking for dazed?

David Rowtree

New Member
Hi can anyone explain what is going on with, they have suddenly started appearing for the keyword "dazed" even though they have nothing about dazed on their website?

(I can't submit links yet but check out for keyword "dazed"; they are 4th?!)

Is the Google algo glitched with its relevancy condition and sees "dazed" and "confused" a lot in relation to the film?
perhaps the owners are building links with the anchor text "dazed" that would explain why its ranking for that word, also, dazed and confused is a common expression :)
But thats really weird, I've been trying to rank for the term for ages and I swear weren't there last week, how did they suddenly get so many links?
It isn't the volume of links it is the qality. People who say links links links are talking through their backside ;)

I would is the "volume of the quality links" especially when you shoot for top rankings where most of the websites are SE optimized.

Also I'm sure you know that as many relevant links from different IP's you have as better it seems to be. No need to be top notch links but rather clean and relevant to your site.
Loredan I am not about to get into semantics with you over this, I simply stated it is the quality of the link that counts.

WHERE did I mention anything about 'top notch'? you say clean and relevant, well if they were NOT relevant they are poor quality.

I am not sure what you are saying in your post really. a link from a relevant page with the right anchor text from the BBC, sky, etc site is worth a thousand directory links and then some.

I really don't have time to write down what consitutes 'quality' but I think we are saying the same things. As for links from many different Ip's, that isn't STRICTLY true on a standalone basis. But that is for another time. :)