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Confusing to comment on Matt_Cutt Blog


New Member

On commenting, one of the topic from Matt Cutt Blog. It was getting difficult to comment on it at the time of Spam Protection

Spam protection: what is the sum of 2 + 10 ?

I entered 12
Error: You have entered the wrong sum in the spam protection field. Press the back button and try again.

Any Idea. UK WW Members
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You do not want to comment on his blog, at least with reference to your site in the web link. Your site will be forever spidered by spam bots.
You do not want to comment on his blog, at least with reference to your site in the web link. Your site will be forever spidered by spam bots.

Funny Guy, right now you are just increasing your posts....Thanks for the advice will keep it....

One more thing is I am not interested in including my site too....but its not optional in the comment...or else I would have ignore it...
Etrade, Campo was being genuine, he wasn't being difficult, it is a genuine concern that the bots run wild all over Matts blog and you will be inundated.

It appears there is an error in the spam prevention code, not a lot you can do about it other than ask for another question
Etrade, Campo was being genuine, he wasn't being difficult, it is a genuine concern that the bots run wild all over Matts blog and you will be inundated.

It appears there is an error in the spam prevention code, not a lot you can do about it other than ask for another question

So is there any alternate solution for the same...
Same here I was having a little hard time commenting on his blog. But it was a different situation. After I posted a comment the page will turn white and that's it. I was wondering what is the problem.
Funny Guy, right now you are just increasing your posts....Thanks for the advice will keep it....

Yes, I am notorious at posting for no reason. Just look at my stats, I have a staggering 1.54 posts a day average. I will be passing up Temi any day now.:dance2:

I think if Matt's comment box is not working you should ask him really instead of UKWW, unless of course there is a UKWW person working for Matt.

I made my original comment because I saw your post, and thought to myself, don't want to comment on his blog. So I posted it.
I wonder why you all must comment on his blog in the first place.

Because they are Matt groupies. I have spent a he odd evening having a beer with MC & co , and have commented on his blog twice. :D WHY bother? Oh the things I could say about this ;)