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Content creation and traffic monetization tool


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Any web site needs quality and relevant content, needs this content to be indexed faster by search engines and needs to convert the traffic on these pages into different streams of profits.

These where my thoughts when I was creating Auto Contet Publisher.

The tool is getting nice feedback from Internet marketing audience.

Read all features of Auto Content Publisher and if you find a tool that can do more, I will give you extra discount - I PROMISE.

Read Auto Content Publisher features and see screenshots HERE

P.S. Affiliates, don't lose your chance to get the bigger part of the pie with commissions.
it doesnt matter.... any place you promote this it is SPAM!

let me explain... so you un-enlightened mind may become enlightened....

this forum is about afilliate marketing.. of products and services... real products and services... using what is refered to "white hat" practices...

the program you are promoting is about "black hat" tactics... or grey at the very best... sure they work.. but not long term....

There is notting more fustrating then to do a search for "black rocks" and return results that are nothing more then a bunch of pages of ads and scraped SE results... about "greeen rocks"

I'm not along in feeling this way... the vast majority of the online world feels the same way... thisd is why all the major Search engine have started to week out and ban these kinds of sites..

peolpe who use these tactics have 1000's of sites and are creating hundreds of new ones every day to stay ahead of Google and Yahoo..

Why do you think most sites now hit the sandbox for 6 or 7 months now before they get indexed..

I predict that if things dont eaze some timer soon... the stay in the sandbox will increase..

The only strategy that works long term is to build quality sites, with real value and constantly add to them... it will take longer but the rewards will be greater.

Some of us have been is this space 8 or 9 years... in my case 10 years... do you think we would still be here if we weren't making a few bucks... in a honest way..

I read in Revenue Magazine that one research comany (dont remember who) is predicting a 50% turn over in 2006...

this means 50% of you guys... will not be here in 2007.. having decided "that internet thing" doesnt work... it's not that is doesnt work... it more of a matter of these people buying onto the premise ... that if they do this "thing" today they will rich by the end of the week...

the lottery gives you better odds! go play the lotto...

Save your money.. or if you feel you need to spend some money... send it to my PayPal account, then move on... :D

Is it bad having an article directory where people can submit their articles to?

Is it bad to have a tool that can help you to customize article directory to any design, create categories and subcategories, and submit the pages to rss feeds?

Is it bad to have relevant articles on the web site?

Is it bad to have this on my forex web site

My statistics shows that people read averagely 13 pages on my site. With my site that give free forex trading system this seems to be a nice fit. People search for forex info, read forex info, learn a forex system for free. Is it black hat?

Please share your opinion. Feedback is what makes people think.
there is nothing wrong with article sites.. If they are a true article site where other webmasters submit articles.. or closed article sited are ok as well if the articles are well written... and NOT keyword filled pages of jibberish

I have several... public article sites.. and I also have sites with many articles
that are I dont have open for public posting of content...

MY point is and was if a site has some value other then spamming Google4adsense dollars it's it deseserves it be include in the SE's

I got the point. I am also against doorway pages.

But if these are quality and relevant articles. I am for it. Plus as practise shows MSN and Yahoo are very nice in indexing these articles. And I am waiting for the google sandbox to gulp them faster.

And Google AdSense is just a way to show how one can monetize it in a lazy way. You are right: it is much better to put subscription boxes and/or links to your products.