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Copy and Paste in Youtube


New Member

I am trying to copy and paste a 400 word description from my Microsoft Word Office document to my about page on my Youtube channel but it does not work. When I try to paste the whole document it only copies about two paragraphs (less than half of the whole document)
I am also having problems typing the description straight into the about page. It allows me to type a few words then it just stops.
Can anyone suggest anything I may be doing wrong.
First paste the Wordpad content into Notepad, then copy it from Notepad to YouTube.
Do not use Wordpad for this Wordpad is a compiled binary not acsi.
Same applies for HTML or other code.
I have tried this but I am still experiencing the same problems. It may have something to do with the fact that I deleted the contents in the description field in the about section several times and tried to paste again (at least 10 times)
Thanks anyway.