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CPA Content Locking doubt please help


New Member
Hello, I have a doubt. Does offers from cpa contentent locking work like an "smartlink". Like they gotta show offers from every country depends who will enter the link?
Hello, I have a doubt.

Well, what is your doubt or doubts, you have not outlined any doubts.

Does offers from cpa contentent locking work like an "smartlink".


Completely different animals.

Smartlinks are a particular type of link using an algorithm to rank offers on performance and based on KPIs such as geo, device, operating system, & connection type.

Content locking is a practice used by site owners to encourage their users to take action. That action might be anything from signing up for an email newsletter, paying for content, website access, a pdf, apps, software, etc. Typically your visitors must complete an action before they can access the locked thing of value you promise them.
Content locking is a practice used by site owners to encourage their users to take action. That action might be anything from signing up for an email newsletter, paying for content, website access, a pdf, apps, software, etc. Typically your visitors must complete an action before they can access the locked thing of value you promise them.
Make sure that content locking is not a forbidden practice by the affiliate network or the offer --some allow it --many do not.
Read the Affiliate Agreements (ALWAYS) first --if in doubt ask.
Hello, I have a doubt. Does offers from cpa contentent locking work like an "smartlink". Like they gotta show offers from every country depends who will enter the link?
Hi @sergiumajeri It depends on how you look at it. Offers in content lockers adapt to the location of clients. At the same time, it should be remembered that different offers work in other locations. Smartlink is one offer in a given category, for example, the dating category, which combines a multitude of offers for various locations. So - both can operate globally, but locker has different offers for different locations; most often, one offer works in one or just a few GEOs.

Remember that in MyLead you can customize content lockers - turn off specific offers, select categories, etc. Publishers have an impact on how it will look in the end. If you want to know about our content lockers, you can have a look here: Content locker affiliate network. Service for websites & mobile | MyLead

If you have any questions, write to me.

Best regards, Magda, MyLead
Cpa Content Locking work whenever some one click on link and want to access Content that is locked by You

It is geo targeted and when some visit from India they see India offers and when some one visit from US they see US offers
well you are right .It shows offers related to your country that you acces the link and if they dont have offers from your country i think they show some usa offers etc