As you may know, RollerAds is a high-performance advertising network with several ad formats available: Web Push Notifications, OnClick (popunder), In-Page Push and Calendar.
Today we would like to focus on the pricing models which are available for Web-Push Notifications in our platform, and how you can benefit from them.
CPC (Cost Per Click) is one of the most well-known pricing models, with which you are charged a fixed price only for the clicks made on your ad. It is one of the best tools to guarantee you a stable traffic volume and budget control. With CPC it is pretty easy to control your volume: you want more volume – just increase the CPC rate, the campaign is spending too fast – just lower your bid. Easy!
SmartCPC is a more advanced model. Like CPC, you are charged only when someone clicks on your ad, but unlike CPC, with smartCPC you don’t pay a fixed price for each click. The beauty of smartCPC is that you simply set a top rate you’re willing to pay, and our algorithm automatically adjusts your actual CPC rate for each source (zone) so that you will always be bidding an average price. This allows you not to overpay for less expensive sources, but still be able to try out those more expensive zones.
Speaking of the benefits of smartCPC, it’s pretty clear that it is an amazing tool for testing all your traffic and launching RON (Run of Network) campaigns where you do not have any blacklists or whitelists. With a smartCPC campaign, you can easily find some top-performing zones and whitelist them to a flat CPC campaign.
By the way, about selecting specific zones and bidding a specific price for them: for your convenience, we do have a custom bidding option, which allows you to set a specific fixed price for the sources that you want.
Let’s say you have a flat CPC campaign with a CPC rate of $0.08 and you see that some particular zone or zones are bringing you the best results. You can set a custom bid for these exact zones in your campaign and set a much higher price for them – say, $0.2. As a result, you’ll be bidding $0.08 for all sources except those for which you’ve set the custom bid.
On the contrary, if you see that some zones are converting but the ROI is not that good for you – you can set a lower custom rate for them. What’s really awesome is that the custom bid feature is available for both CPC and smartCPC campaigns. Please note that when you use custom bids in a smartCPC campaign, clicks coming from selected zones will be charged at a fixed price that you set.
We hope this information will be useful for you and allow you to achieve the best results with our network.
So do not waste your time, log in to your account and start making money!