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Deep links in directories any use?


New Member
Some web directories have taken to allowing you to add sub pages from your site in additon to the main url, I find this to be a wast of time, has anyone found this to be useful for SEO ?
Quote from same question on triphp from gkd

OWG has a deeplink web directory where he only accepts deep linked urls. No homepage links. He believes it is a good idea to accept deeplinks as Google may request this some time in the future. I totally agree with him and we must remember he is a SEO professional and knows what he is talking about.

OWG's deeply linked web directory - | Deep Link Directory
Deeply link just access deep links, what I mean is directories that access you main site url and then ask you to add 5 additonal urls... which I really do not want to add
Oh I am with you now, no i agree when i reach that stage and find you have to do that i hit the red X! Gone!!!
I think in hard competetion covering the whole keyword basket only with the main page is absolutely not easy and that is why webmaster like deeplinks. I like this idea and allow my submitters to suggest deeplinks as well, which will help to increase the relevance of their inner pages directly.
It's not going to harm your directory if you accept deep links but will make your directory grow further.

Some people do take the piss when they try submitting 10 sub urls. That is when I start to reject. A couple is fine.
Deep links helps in

- indexing inner pages
- PR for inner pages..

I have seen many PR5 details pages (where deep links are visible ) - got the point ?
I have just installed deep links mod into my directory. The main reason is because i've come accross a few people saying "I would have submitted if you had deep links mod". I've also read a blog somewhere claiming deep links are a waste of time.

Personally i don't care aslong as it doesn't do your directory any harm.
As a submitter i think its quite a nice thing to add a few sub urls but more than 2 or 3 is pointless more than 5 definately too much.

Temi: Even though some directories have additional columns to add sub urls you do not have to fill them.

GKD: you said people submitting 10 sub urls are taking the piss, surely you should not have a form that allows 10 urls then??
Temi: Even though some directories have additional columns to add sub urls you do not have to fill them.

I agree with the blog that says they are a waste of time, I find it very irritating when I am forced to submit deep pages as I do not find them useful or want to submit deep links
That was my point you don't have to fill the forms for the sub urls - just leave blank.
Apart from irratating you why do you think they are such a waste of time?
Right, thats the same reason the blog claims they are a waste of time. Because it weakens the pr which is passed on.