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Did Google's Local Updates Catch You Flat Footed? | Search News Central

Google Places Blogger

Posting from the Catalyst eMarketing Blog

'Local Content for a National Site May be a ***** Kitty, But…

The takeaway of the Venice et all updates seems simply to me. Get your local house in order. Dot your I's, cross your t's and get on with business. In other words, what you should have been doing anyway, because the writing has been on the proverbial wall so long it's starting to fade. Venice just put a fresh coating on the words.

What are others saying? Surprise, surprise, much the same thing. Local is in, mixed with traditional SEO. Once again, our jobs are broadening, if they didn't already encompass the more detailed aspects of ranking and traffic. –But don't take it from me…"

See it on, via Google Places Optimization & Local SEO News
