Daniella MGID
Active Member
- Romania is a fast developing economy in the European Union with a GDP per capita 10813,72 $ in 2017;
- GDP growth rate has seen a huge boom in 2017 with 7.3%. Then, there was a slowdown (4% in 2018) and it’s expected to reach 3.3% in 2019;
- Romanian is the official language. We suggest making creatives in Romanian, rather than in English. Besides, do not use the Google Translator, it’s much better to pay a translator for a quality text;
- The main ethnic group are the Romanians (88.9% of the total population);
DEVICE USAGE (percentage of the population)
60% of Romanians use smartphones and the distribution of laptop and tablet usage is 56% and 23% respectively.
The overall digital ad spend growth reached 16.1% in 2017, three percent higher than the European average.
Data also proves that display ads remain dominant on the market (89,6%). However, we also observe digital video ad spend growth at 36.2% in 2017.
- Revenue in the eCommerce market amounts to US$2,809m in 2019;
- Revenue is expected to show an annual growth rate (CAGR 2019-2023) of 10.1%, resulting in a market volume of US$4,121m by 2023;
- User penetration is 53.7% in 2019 and is expected to hit 58.6% by 2023;
- The average revenue per user (ARPU) currently amounts to US$268.21;
- In 2017 23.7% of users were 25-34 years old;
- 19% of the population make purchases online;
- 80% of online shoppers use mobile phones to access the internet;
Data shows that only 12% of the population has credit cards. On the whole, 77% of total Romanian people prefer to pay in cash on delivery in 2019. Moreover, it’s important to note that men spend more than women. 62% of card payments were made by men and 38% by women.
Once again, nutra is on the best performing verticals. Especially products which help to fight diabetes, papillomas, varicose, erectile dysfunction, and obesity.
As for diabetes, this topic interests most residents of Braila, Arad, Bacau, Ploiesti, and Buzau.
If we are talking about varicose veins, we recommend drawing your attention to cities such as Satu Mare, Neamt, Teleorman, Hunedoara, and Maramures.
The problem of erectile dysfunction issues interests most of all the residents of Muresh, Sibiu, and Maramures.
Finally, weight loss gains the greatest popularity in Argesh, Giurgiu, Valcea, and Dymbovitsa.
E-commerce is also one of the promising verticals. Try to promote linen clothes, gadgets, and various smart-watches.
- Romanian people love the spirit of competition. They tend to compare themselves to others and try to repeat trends with lightning speed;
- We suggest using respectful titles before the name: ‘’Domnul’’ for a man and ‘’Doamna’’ for a woman. They value familiarity and age. So use images and reviews of old people as an indicator of wisdom and experience;
- Women are frivolous and willing to get acquainted with men, especially Europeans;
- Then, Romanian people tend to distrust the advice of strangers. Therefore when writing headlines is better to take a friendly tone;
- The cult of patriarchy in the family works very well if you want to make the investments, buying personal growth courses, etc. We suggest using manipulation like “to provide for the family’’, ‘’to justify expectations’’, ‘’to be a hero”;
- They are also obsessed with the cult of social status, everyone aspires to occupy a respected place in society. For Romanians, this is the number one indicator of success. Keep it in mind online earning products or services, courses, and books on business development while mastering the creatives;
- Romania is a country with unemployment problems and a large percentage of people are living below the poverty line or from paycheck to paycheck. So, they will likely go for the easy earnings, lending through household accents - "for holidays, for a restaurant, for going to the movies, for shopping”;
- The country did not achieve a high level of globalization and urbanization, so when you design the campaign, pay attention to the details and stick to the local color, familiar environments, and textures. Bear in mind, you don’t need to demonstrate the evening of the Romanian family with 150-inch plasma in their house, as they are more ascetic in their tastes.
- Here are a few examples of teasers
MGID traffic distribution is following: desktop (24%), mobile (73%) and tablets (3%). Overall, MGID processes around 1,3 million clicks per week in Romania.
Digital 2019 Romania (January 2019) v01
Ecommerce in Romania
Romania eCommerce Insights | 13.76 Million Online Shoppers By 2022
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