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Directories penalised on last Google update


Well-Known Member

Those directories which were penalised by Google on the last update, such as Aviva, do you think they were penalised because they were selling links?

Thanks Meti

I don't think Aviva advertised their PR or am I wrong?

I don't think I came across any advertisements where they used words such as PR6 or purchase links on a high PR site.
Thanks Meti

I don't think Aviva advertised their PR or am I wrong?

I don't think I came across any advertisements where they used words such as PR6 or purchase links on a high PR site.

I agree, but they were clearly selling text links, which still is abuse.

- Meti
But don't most directories sell text links. So this mean all directory owners selling links will be penalised soon
But don't most directories sell text links. So this mean all directory owners selling links will be penalised soon

Not sure what you mean, if you're referring to sitewide text links on the frontpage, maybe that's a decision G will have to make later (though, this would be a very hard task).

Google recently blogged about web directories (Matt Cutts) he made some good statements, and as long as web directories provide what they're meant to, you should be all right.

- Meti
Yes. if directories have a purpose, then there's nothing wrong with them. I suppose "blindly accepting paid links" will have to stop.
Yes. if directories have a purpose, then there's nothing wrong with them. I suppose "blindly accepting paid links" will have to stop.

If directory owners did not charge, how would they generate reveue to the run their site? I am still a little confused of what Google does and does not like when it comes to paid links
It's not so much about "charging" for links. The issue is with value you bring to the end user, which is the web surfer, not website owner.

The point Google is making that most general directories have no value, they are a simple link farms made with the single purpose to sell links and manipulate search results.

Did you ever have situation when you are looking for something and all you get is link to directory, to another directory, and yet to another directory...

This is the main group who got the worst from google - sites with extensive interlinking among themselves.
Those directories which were penalised by Google on the last update, such as Aviva, do you think they were penalised because they were selling links?

Yep. But there were other reasons I suppose. My book directory dropped to PR0 in the same time period...but there is no paid link on it and it is a niche directory with (in my eyes) a lot of added value and content for the visitor....

So try to understand that :eek:
I don't think we will ever know exactly why these directories were penalised - especially where Google is concerned.

One thing on these directories that will always remain a mystery - for such big directories, why are they never ever topping Yahoo and Live/MSN?

Believe that is the question all should be asking now!
One thing on these directories that will always remain a mystery - for such big directories, why are they never ever topping Yahoo and Live/MSN?

Believe that is the question all should be asking now!

May be Google search algorithm just demonstrated major flow how it could be manipulated. This could be the best time ever for MSN/Yahoo to take aggressive steps if they want to win some users back...
May be Google search algorithm just demonstrated major flow how it could be manipulated. This could be the best time ever for MSN/Yahoo to take aggressive steps if they want to win some users back...

I agree, Yahoo can push forward if they really wanted to compete with Google. But for some reason they are not :no:
I agree, Yahoo can push forward if they really wanted to compete with Google. But for some reason they are not :no:

I don't believe that. The whole PR and devaluation of directories has never been noticed by the average user...
Also, let's be honest, because of the bad quality of lots of directories... most SE users will be happy with Google's decision...
If you accept submissions to your directory as is and do not rewrite them, then you can expect eventually to be downgraded by Google. If you use a set structure that the directory script owners produce, then expect to get hit sometime in the future, if you poopulate it with bought daabases that you do not alter, then expect to be hit sometime soon.

In Short, if your directory is 'pre made' and you have not worked long and hard on taxonomy, titles descriptions etc, then you will reao what you sow. Esy come easy go.
If you accept submissions to your directory as is and do not rewrite them, then you can expect eventually to be downgraded by Google. If you use a set structure that the directory script owners produce, then expect to get hit sometime in the future, if you poopulate it with bought daabases that you do not alter, then expect to be hit sometime soon.

In Short, if your directory is 'pre made' and you have not worked long and hard on taxonomy, titles descriptions etc, then you will reao what you sow. Esy come easy go.

I like the way you put it OldWelshGuy and it is something for us all to learn between the lines and look after our directories like this.

Am glad this is what I have been doing all along.
Yet, lots of webmasters know that this is a issue, I still find "buy a link" phrases on web directories, isin't that suspicious?

- Meti