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Directory Submission Help


New Member
Hi All i posted this on another forum last week and had to pop out so didnt get around to this one :( i know, i know i should be here first lol

Any just a quick tip that you all probably know already and im extremely slow lol

Ive found that Roboforms allows you to create your own auto fill forms which works great with Directory Submission, the down side its only on the Paid version but its only $29.99 so it isn't too bad. Sorry if you all knew this already but if you did YOU COULD HAVE TOLD ME :laugh:

RoboForm: Password Manager, Form Filler, Password Generator, Fill & Save Forms
Thanks for sharing Adam, but what is special about it? the facility come with most leading browsers
Is there i never realised you could have an auto filler for Fields like Website, description etc ? :doh2: How do you do that ? lol