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Directory Submission Services - Are They Worth It?


New Member

About half an hour or so every night is spent doing directory submissions. I try and make it manual as possible but it is quite a laborious process.

I've noticed a few "directory submission services", who - for a small fee - would submit your site to a number of directories, depending on how much you pay them.

Couple of questions:

1) Are they worth it?
2) What should I look out for for a good directory submitter?
I would say yes, it is worth it. The rates are quite low

I would check the directory submitters itrader or rep if you find someone advertising their services on forums.
It depends, somehow I think a high percentage of the users offering these services don't hold their promises, "guaranteed 1000 manual submissions for 10$" familiar with those titles?

1000 manual submissions could take days, be realistic.

I share Meti's views as well, only use a sumitter on personal recommendation, I have used about 3 in the past, I will not recommend any of them :(
it is good for indexing deep pages. very low seo quality. if you can get it free, take as much you can. It is not harm your site.
100% manual directory submissions is a laborious process as you said. There are not many people offering this service and being 100% honest as many of them use a semi-automatic tool to do it.
I would never use a Directory Submission Service. They are not worth it.

Just submit your site to some free UK directories, Google, Yahoo, MSN and Ask.