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“AdsEmpire”/  Direct Affiliate



Well-Known Member

Do you provide discounts on bulk directory submissions.

For example, if someone wanted you to submit 100 submissions to your directory because they could not be bothered to add manually but also asked for a discount, would you add the urls yourself plus provide a discount.

How much discount would you provide?
Depends on the price of the submissions, however i would have thought it would be at extra costs for you to waste you time doing it. Of course if they were for $20 + per submission i would give a discount yes, anything below $5 i wouldnt bother, anything in between it would depend on what my current situation was for takings that month
Adding the submissions manually would take time so I think a discount should not be given whether it's $10 or $20 a listing
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Depends on the price of the submissions, however i would have thought it would be at extra costs for you to waste you time doing it. Of course if they were for $20 + per submission i would give a discount yes, anything below $5 i wouldnt bother, anything in between it would depend on what my current situation was for takings that month

How much discount would you give if the listing was $20.00? Would you give a 10% discount?
Yeah id imagine something in that area, that way you'd get a good lump sum of money and the customer would be happy at least getting a little discount.
I have had this kind of submission before, I cannot remember how much discount I gave but it was and awful lot of job submitting so many urls manually, but like RiverWire pointed out, its a neat tidy sum at the end of the day.

10% sounds cool, you could also tell him that if he add it himself, you will give him additional 5% discount.
One of my client send me bulk order at 15 days or monthly interval. Obviously he want discount all time and i am giving him ;) (Don't want to disclose discount % here) :shifty:
