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Do Additional Details and Description Fields Matter?

Google Places Blogger

Posting from the Catalyst eMarketing Blog

Do the additional details and description fields matter in your Google Places profile? How and do you need to fill them out?

As you may or may not have heard… the description field in Google Places is NOT a ranking factor. This was indeed confirmed by the Google Places engineer who was present at the event. Sorry bro, cats out of the bag now.

See it on, via Google Places Optimization & Local SEO News

I've been saying that for a long time now. I have experimented with both fields - description and details. I've even gone to the extreme where I put the word Las Vegas about 500 times in the additional details, and nothing happened.

Regarding the description, I'm not sure why, but Andrew (SQLPerformance) keeps nagging about it, and I've told him hundreds of times it is not a factor - neither in the suspension, nor in any penalty, nor in rankings. He keeps saying one and the same untruth in the forum, and it's sometimes very frustrating...