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“AdsEmpire”/Direct Affiliate

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Hi again Jaime,

I think you can too! 

But you may want to consider switching gears...

I don't want to rain on your parade BUT... Are you sure you want to do a rebate site?  I'm a pro with years of experience and if someone gave me $100,000 and said here, the money's free, go start a rebate site, I'd tell them no way.

So sorry to burst your bubble but there are a variety of reasons I say this. It you've already committed and started the site, then I'm sorry. If you aren't quite there yet and are open to switching gears, let me know and I'll tell you my reasons and give you feedback in one of your old threads about starting a rebate site, or you can start a new thread and ask if a rebate site is a good strategy and I'll give you feedback there. But it would be off topic for this thread.
