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Do you customize your Error pages?



I was wondering.. do you customize / tune :)D) your error pages ?? 404, 500,403?? I do. i think it's a nice thing and a 404 page with some graphics on it could prevent the users from quitting your site so fast when they reach a dead link :)

Just like Crowebird I only customise my 404 page, I should start customising other error pages too. I find it annoying when you get errors on server that does not make sense and does not offer to take you to a helpful page.

So Radu, what do you have on your error page? Just a message or a list of other resources visitor can click on?
Ideally your custom error page should be a sitemap of some description. I have found that with using a sitemap as a 404 the level of lost visitors goes down, with people seeing what they want on the sitemap and clicking through. These would have been visitors who would previously have been lost.


my 404 page.. with links to the main sections of the site (since i am under reconstruction.. the links send you to the main page)