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Do you get others to blog for you?


Well-Known Member

When it comes to your blog or blogs, do you pay others to blog for you or do you prefer to do it yourself?
Ummmm, I do not think I have got to that level when I have to pay others to update the content of my site. Now I write by my own most of my blogposts but from time to time I receive an interesting article written by a friend and I do not hesitate to post it on my blog on his request.
Same here as with darkstar - I blog myself for myself. If I was too busy (or could afford
it :) ) I wouldn't have a problem paying for quality writing.

I'd like to add as well, that I offer my services as a writer, and can give URLs for references :)
Same here as with darkstar - I blog myself for myself. If I was too busy (or could afford
it :) ) I wouldn't have a problem paying for quality writing.

I'd like to add as well, that I offer my services as a writer, and can give URLs for references :)

I agree with Martin and Darkstar, I also prefer to write my own articles mainly because I am certain that the quality is top and I usually spend quite a good amount of time and efforts in writing an article.

However, sometimes it may be hard to keep up and add fresh content to a blog, that is usually when I purchase a article or two from any experienced writer.

I have another person contributing. Its a joint blog, so I don't need to pay anybody to blog. If readers want to contribute, they are welcomed.
I prefer writing and blogging my own articles and stuff, afterall I feel like its my responsibilty to.