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Do you have a wireless network?



Hi all

Wireless networks are becoming more and more popular. Do you have a wireless network at home?

Does six include your mobile phone etc or do you actually have six wireless networks :)
Six wireless networks.
One from the wireless router to the PCs for the network connection.
One for AirTunes which connects my Mac with my stereo (both of these I have won in a competition otherwise I would never have been able to get them since they are way to expensive).
3 connections betwen various computers.
And one special connection with limited bandwith for my friends so they could connect to the net with their laptops when they're at my place.
Well I study Computer Science so I have lots of various purpose computers and they all need to be connected. And I really hate cables.
And it's not even expensive.
Wow you sure have a lot melkior. :eek:

I have two. I use the Lunksys Wireless G downstairs on the two pc's there ane upstairs my son has a Belkon (I think it's called) USB adapter.
Well yeah, that's true. :D

Seriously though, they were on about the wireless routers the other day and saying that they weren't even sure how safe they were.
Here's my opinion on wireless networks (I wrote that on another forum). GKD asked if wireless networks were safe and here's what I replied:
I've been living for 3 years now surrounded by 3 mobile phones, 2 wireless phones and 7 (yup! seven!) wireless networks.

To tell you the truth I'm more concerned about the pack of Marlboro I devour every day than all of these radiation sources.

We have radiowaves passing through us all the time. Television, wireless networks, mobile phones, pagers, radio. All of these signals are passing through as like a hot knife through butter and noone yet managed to link them with health deterioration.

But these things have been present on our world for a short period of time. Radio for only a hundered years, TV for 80 or so and wireless and mobiles for only 20. So I guess if these things are killing us or causing genetic mutation we won't know that for a couple of centuries.
And by then we will be long gone. :)

Too late for us maybe but I don't mind being a guinea pig for future generations. :p
I always think positive so my main thought is that we'll create global peace one day.
Either we'll get rid of war, sickness, criminal activities and so on,
or we'll blow up ourselves.

It's a win-win situation. :D
I don't think wireless networks can do any harm but heard or read in the news once that someone reported that they started to experience headaches after a wireless network was installed :)
Actually................ah :p

I've got mine here on my desk. It is worrying though.
I have a GPRS modem, it's ok, but SLOOOOW. I've been using several hot spots occasionally, they were pretty nice, but at the places I live I used cable so far, just because it was already there. ;)