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Does directory url affect your decision?


New Member
Amongst factors that determine how many site if any site at all I submit to a web directory is the url of the directory.
For example if a directory is installed at the root of a domain, I think its a more serious directory than one installed in a folder on a domain.

I wonder if this affects your decision too.
Unless the sub domain or folder has a good pr of its own then i am not usually too intersted in them.
Having said that a link is a link, but sub domains i usually look for free submissions.

For example if a directory is installed at the root of a domain, I think its a more serious directory than one installed in a folder on a domain.
For a niche directory could be advantageous to be on a niche related site, from experience the best niche directories have this configuration. Normally they receive niche related natural links.
For a general directory a dedicated domain probably makes more sense.
I think you can not make a rule of the thumb for this, every directory must be analyzed.
A loot of successful directories are sub-domains or folders examples include yahoo and v7n
I would tend to agree with Ask, every directory should be analyzed. A sub-domain or folder can be just as highly promoted as a root domain.