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Does TrafficJunky + Dating offers work in 2024?


New Member
Hello, I used to run adult dating offers on traffic junky and exoclcik in 2010 and made some money, a few thousands.

Do these traffic sources still work or are they too saturated? aka the traffic being too expensive

What traffic sources would you recommend for adult dating?

Also, please recommend me some affiliate networks with good dating offers.

What budget do you suggest for testing media buying in adult dating?

Thanks in advance for your suggestions
My cost this week per ENGAGED pounder is 4.3 x what the ad network is charging me for in adult.

At $2.07 CPM the actual ENGAGED Traffic is costing $8.99 CPM after I filter out the low quality and some bots found.
And this is actually pretty decent traffic. It's probably as good or better than Exoclick or Traffic Junky will deliver.
Being that what it is: I am looking at a $0.09 cost per visit tier 1 US CA W.EU.

Traffic is not converting into registrations or sales very well at all. Webcam site --I am a white label --so it's "My Domain" and I have full Google Analytics (GA4). ~3000 cams a day Not a simple landing page conversion --so it's more complex.

Use $0.09 as your cost per head and factor the anticipated conversion for what you are doing. Your real cost per head on push ads is going to be $0.45 per head most likely I think for the same GEO at $0.11 marginal CPC.

Dating is not webcams (pay for play format) so the conversion rate may be better. It ain't 2010 these days--I was there too ;)

Back then; we were buying (major broadcast webcam site) 200K-300K pops a week from those sources and the bounce rates were: 98% Exoclick and 96% for Traffic Junky IIRC. But I wasn't segmenting and filtering that traffic :D. So based on that I am doing pretty good --and it still sucks.


Hello, I used to run adult dating offers on traffic junky and exoclcik in 2010 and made some money, a few thousands.

Do these traffic sources still work or are they too saturated? aka the traffic being too expensive

What traffic sources would you recommend for adult dating?

Also, please recommend me some affiliate networks with good dating offers.

What budget do you suggest for testing media buying in adult dating?

Thanks in advance for your suggestions
Hi Elliot,
Nice to meet you, i'm Elia from Traffic Force Ad Network.
From what you wrote you are looking for a good combination between offer and traffic cost.

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Also i will suggest to try Crakrevenue Affiliate Network to find the best offers for dating and combine them with our traffic.

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I look forward to working with you.



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Well i dont have experience working on this field but from what i heard some people use crackrevenue as a network
You want to make some research about it first as i read information long time ago and not recently
What you guys think about trafficstars? I test some dating offer there what you guys recommend for "advanced" begginer :p Soi doi or cps? Landing page or direct link? If landing page what kind? Quiz?
Amazing forum by the way
you guys recommend for "advanced" begginer :p Soi doi or cps? Landing page or direct link? If landing page what kind? Quiz?
How well does the dating site convert to a sale? There is no answer without a proven track record of that site.

When there is no ``known`` track record, or some personal referral by a trusted peer (another affiliate), you are better of with soi or doi. You can usually change the referrals to CPS or rev-share when you have some known results.

Reason: if your leads do not convert for that site they will cut you off --you can walk-away with only a minor loss. Where if you invest a lot of effort and advertising expense, in an unknown situation, toward a CPS or a rev-share deal --You may go down the rabbit hole and see nothing in return.

On the other hand, I have taken chances on rev-share deals that I thought had real promise and made a great return --sword cuts both ways. However, the losers will outnumber the winners when you roll the dice on an unknown ;)
Join Our Independent Online Dating Company Affiliate Program!

We're an independent online dating company with over 20 years of experience in multiple sectors. With a large user base and a solid reputation, we're a trusted name in the industry.

One of our unique advantages is that we allow affiliates to use our brand keywords in Google Ads without any restrictions. This gives you a fantastic opportunity to maximize your reach and earnings!

For more details, please visit: Online Dating Affiliate Program - Earn Big with Our Partnership

DM me for more information and to get started. Let's grow together!
Hello, I used to run adult dating offers on traffic junky and exoclcik in 2010 and made some money, a few thousands.

Do these traffic sources still work or are they too saturated? aka the traffic being too expensive

What traffic sources would you recommend for adult dating?

Also, please recommend me some affiliate networks with good dating offers.

What budget do you suggest for testing media buying in adult dating?

Thanks in advance for your suggestions
Hey! We have lots of partners, who have adult traffic from Exoclick. Also, our partners use TrafficStars, TrafficJunky and JusyAds.

As for traffic sources, of course, paid ads (Google, Facebook) and SEO works the best, our partners receive x5 bumps from the default rate for such sources, but it can be difficult to run these ads, due to limitations with adult content. Lots of partners with high payouts work with free social, native, banner ads and member area.

The budget is really depend on the offer, traffic source and geo.

At Cpamatica we have more than 1000 offers in adult vertical and our managers always there to help you to launch your campaign. Will be happy to have you among our parthers ;)