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Domain Pointed to new Site


New Member
Just recently joined 5 star, and excited about getting some good SEO tips. I have a very basic question and has probably already been addressed (once again I'm new). I recently designed a new website, and had my domain point to it. In the process I lost all my SEO from my previous site. Are there any tips or hints for making this a much smoother process?

Is it a new domain name as well as a new site? Or is it an old domain name with a redesigned site and new content?
OK. So the old pages don't exist anymore and you have a lot of new ones, correct?

One thing you can do is create a custom 404 page so any old pages still in the search index aren't dead ended. These are easy to design and should contain ideally a search function or a link to the new home page or both.

If there is any relationship at all between the o,ld content and the new you can also redirect specific old pages to the new.

What was the old vs. the new content? How drastically did the pages change?
Yes, I have a lot more new pages and the changes were drastic. The whole design of the new site is different from the previous site. Right now my site won't even appear on Google and other engines. This was of course expected, so I am currently working on back-links (I've heard this is the best way to initiate fast indexing).

But you previously had pages indexed in Google and other search engines and you want to take advantage of that. That's where the redirects come in.

Do you knopw how to dop that or do you have someone assisting you with the tech stuff who does?
whenever we redesign website, we make 301 redirections....but still the keywords fluctuates for like 3 to 4 there a way to maintain keyword rankings while undergoing redesign?
Just found out my website editor/host has an option for me. My site was originally indexed in google with the (www) After the new site was created it was being indexed without the (www) My host/editor told me to just switch my preferred site address back to being indexed as (www) I'm thinking that minor mix-up was preventing some redirects. I think this will help, but my editor/host did say it could take 72 hours to propogate the web.
It can take a little longer than that for search engines to catch up.

The 72 hour rule is for DNS changes, not page or site changes.
I see, well it looks like my website did finally at least show up on Google again. When I searched for the URL it at least showed up, now lets work on getting it ranked using the keywords I implemented!
there are 2 things you should do:

1) use 301 redirect from the old domain to the new domain

2) on google webmaster tools there is an option to let google know that you have moved to a new domain
I think the best thing would be to use Google Webmaster Tools, it's easier and Google gets the info right away! I've used 301 redirections before and they do work but they could give you some headaches when it comes down to implement the changes.