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Dutchy template


New Member
If I downloaded the DUTCHY template, what LBS script should I use?

Do I need to "erase" everything and install the dutchy template and script?

I tried installing it with an existing LBS v1.2 in place, and it doesn't seem to load properly?

Also, if possible, I wanted to know how to show the thumbnail of the site right there and there, and not wait for mouse to hover over it to be able to see the screenshot thumbnail?


I think I answered your question before... At the moment there are only two templates are compatible with the LinkBidScript version 1.2 - blue and green one.

If you check download area on LinkBidScript forum it clearly stated which version of the script template was created for... If you downloaded template from any other place (that include Dutchy template you are talking about) it's almost for sure NOT compatible with the latest script version.

Any customization question you should ask on LinkBidScript support forum - Daniel did this trick with thumbshots before and should be able to point you in the right direction
Yup, got the answer alright. But is v1.2 capable of doing the thumbnail view?

If it does, I would really love to see it in the BlueSkin 1.2 version.

If not, then, as you said, Daniel could probably help me do the trick in the Dutchy template?


Just got advice from temi, he'll be updating most of the templates to v1.2 soon. Won't hurt if I wait it out for a couple more days! Hopefully, I can see the changes with re to the thumbnail view too! :thumbsup: