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Effective link building strategy


New Member
I heard John Scott conducted an experiment recently where a site was submitted to hundreds of free directory and another site submitted to 5 paid directories. The one submitted to paid directory got a good PR (PR4) while the one submitted to free directory got just PR1. The one submitted to paid directory also did better in SERP.

This is a good advert for paid directory :) there was a post in this forum yesterday, where someone said the maximum links to your site from web directories should be maximum of 30%

Can other share their experiences of using directory V using links from websites to build link and how it affected SERPS.
Temi, dont just believe everything John Scott is saying :)
There are many excellent free directories as well as a lot of crappy paid ones
I would have thought the bottom line was what PR of the actual page that your link appears on determines the `quality` of link, paid or otherwise.
I run few free directoies all are PR4, I did not get to post on this forum.

Mainly playing with LBS, will post them here some time.