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electronic cigarette affiliates 40% payout to start


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Hello my name is james begley I am the C.E.O and owner at efoxecigs.
Our unique affiliate program allows you to generate a solid income, with little work by you. We have developed all the easy to use tools you need to be successful. You will receive your own unique URL which will automatically track all sales you generate. We even provide you with banner ads and text links that you can just choose, copy & paste!

Add our banner to your website. Every sale we make through your site gives you a percentage of the sale, 30% to start.
We look forward to hearing from you thanks !
Efoxecigs the best affiliate program for electronic cigarettes from efox
Hi James. What is the warrantee of confirmed payment and how you'll like to pay? Thanks
we use shareasale to track all transactions. Our affiliate link will take to their sign up page . its free for you yo use the software