For Sale we have a original Facebook App!
Grow a Page with Thousands of Active Fans
Unlimited Reach of Users
can you see the Tombstone App that spread round
like a wildfire?
the app that got the page 5,000,000 likes?
would you like to own an app similar to that?
Very Simple setup, 1 file to configure.
Before allowing app, they must "Allow" the page..
followed by the request permissions dialog..
the script then generates the image, saves it.
and uploads to facebook. (good ehh!)
then (if you want) you can have it redirect to a
landing page, where you show the users generated image,
and have a survey over the top!
Like Page
User Tagging
Upload Photo
Surveys at end
Demo: https://www.facebook.com/friendmarriage?sk=app_253784224689309
Demo: http://www.facebook.com/pages/How-Will-You-Die/353713864642723?sk=app_107346306053514
Price: $50 Paypal
Paypal: https://www.paypal.com/cgi-bin/webscr?cmd=_s-xclick&hosted_button_id=V9K675KTT9XPA
Support: Aim: XeXDYnaMiC
Skype: matt.smith110