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“AdsEmpire”/  Direct Affiliate

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Thanks for this Bagi, will be spamming oppps, sorry, I mean submitting my quality bid for position directories to you new category :)

Will not submit the crappy one :)
Nice offer Bagi.
Will be submitting mine. But could you make the spam filter question easier i got stuck!!!...LOL
Thanks for the offer Bagi :)

I tried adding Link Bid but failed the spam test when typing seo backwards.

Check your ban list as you may have accidentally banned domains like I did once :(
Imran, may i ask you to resubmit your site? Or please send me the description and the anchor text you want to use:)
Thank you guys, the links have been approved. Imran, i know what was the problem. Your site is already listed among the internet directories, and the script rejected the duplicated submission into one category.
Is your Spam Filter question cryptic or something? I have tried everything I can possibly think of and it still says I'm wrong :(

oes, 'oes' etc.
I'm sorry for the problem. I will try to correct it asap. My site was hacked 2 days ago three times and those bastartds.....:sAng_compy:

Edit: The directory now works correctly. The funny guys inserted a nice ban list and much more which has not been recognised.

Apologize for the trouble. Please resubmit your site.