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Five steps to selecting effective keywords


New Member
I found this five steps to selecting effective keywords for you ad campain at Google AdWords site, though its primarily targetted at AdWords customers, I think the same process could be applied to selecting keywords for an SEO campagn.

Step One

Your first step is to come up with as many relevant keywords as possible. List any keywords that you think users might use when searching for your product or services. At the stage just list all keywords that come to your mind including synonyms and spelling variations. You can use popular keywords tools such as overture, wordtracker and other keywords suggestion tools to come up with as many relevant keywords as possible.

Step Two
Organise your keywords into a group, for example, on a page where you will be selling golf trolleys for example, group all the keywords to do with golf trolleys together, this will make selecting keywords to use for that page easy when you start writting text for the golf trolley pages.
Step Three
Refind the keyword list and arrange them in a way that makes placing the most important keywords at the top of the pages and the least important keywords used further down the page
Step Four
Refine your keywords at step four, weed out the weakest keywords so that the stong keywords will not be dilluted.

Step Five
After the pages has been online for a few days, use your site stats to find out which keywords are bringing traffic to your site and which one are not, use the information gathers to find tune your keywords.