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Five Tips For Getting More From Your Backlinks



Five Tips For Getting More From Your Backlinks
by Melanie Nathan
April 6th, 2009

When done right, building targeted backlinks to your website is perfectly ?legal? and you shouldn?t feel like you?re breaking any ?rules? by doing so. In fact, if you created your site in the hopes that people would find it and visit, you?ll NEED to build some links to it or that?ll never happen. Backlinks aren?t exactly easy to come by though, therefore it?s a good idea to squeeze every last drop of potential benefit from the ones you do manage to get.

Here are some tips to keep in mind when embarking out on the campaign trail.

  1. Control what you can
  2. Optimize your existing backlinks
  3. Lend a helping hand
  4. Strengthen your site?s inner linking structure
  5. Be link worthy

I want to add one more tip regarding to improve the number of backlinks.

When ever you make a post, see that your website's full URL ( ) is included in the title or description of the post. no matter it is hyperlinked or not.
I want to add one more tip regarding to improve the number of backlinks.

When ever you make a post, see that your website's full URL ( ) is included in the title or description of the post. no matter it is hyperlinked or not.

That's not good advice. First, in many forums, including this one, that practice you recommend will get you banned. Second, how is a non-live URL going to help? It's just another word unless it's hyperlinked and without anchor text any SEO benefits are going to be considerably reduced.