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FNG trying to track affiliate offers/traffic


Active Member
I am running a MaxBounty offer using Tonic Traffic.
Tonic allows me to track the source and the KW used to generate the click
MaxBounty - it allows tracking but I don't know how to use it and cannot find any documentation on it. (to me it looks like it is for the "manufacturer" rather than the "sales" force)

Everywhere I visit says "track, track, track" and I can find almost no substantial information on it.

Where should a new affiliate start with tracking?
I am currently not getting enough traffic from my Tonic KW campaign so I am thinking about running some text ads from 7Search to bolster the traffic. However, this will make my limited tracking even less valuable because 7Search only offers code to put on the "thank you" page after a sale is made. (I have no access to this). This will dilute or ruin all the tracking that DNTX is doing.
I also won't be able to tell which KWs from 7Search are profitable.
(to confuse this further, DNTX goes to my LP and 7Search will go directly to the offer)

Where can I go to find out about this. I don't even know what I am supposed to track.

For instance I would like to be able to track traffic from 2 different sources
I would like to know what time of day the traffic is coming (I use day seperating). It would be good for me to know if people are signing up at work or at home on Saturday mornings so I can allocate my budget accordingly.

The most important thing I need to know is where to go to get started. Once I start, I can begin to figure out what is important and what is not. Hopefully it will be a place with a free beginner account and room for growth. It should have good video and written documentation.
Any ideas?

Thanks for considering this question
Just a small hint, FNG :) Whenever you face a problem, ask Mr Google. There were dozens of others who had the same problem before you, and therefore some answers will be found on G. And here we are: Google

Search on YouTube. There you will even find video tutorials for your problem. And here we are: maxbounty tracking - YouTube

Also go to our search box on AffiliateFix, and again look for your problem, always knowing you're not the first one who had this problem. Et voila, here we are again with 129 possible answers for you, alone showing up on AffiliateFix: Search Results for Query: maxbounty tracking | Affiliate Marketing Forum | AffiliateFix

Enjoy browsing. // In this way I've always learned a lot of additional stuff, even for things that I haven't necessarily needed for my problem... ;)
Hey, @schleprock tracking is really worth learning it. Here are general thread - what is tracking here Tracking your campaigns | Affiliate Marketing Forum | AffiliateFix There are lots of great manuals and guide on Affiliate Fix.

Btw, I can help you with a tracking set up with Maxbounty. You can register on AdsBridge platform, as it's free. It has a template of MaxBounty affiliate network settings. You could find it here in your account - Screenshot “AdsBridge - Next generation tracker and landing page builder! - Mozilla Firefox 2016-04-11 10.55.22.png” and after you select MaxBounty from trusted affiliate networks, you will see automatically generated postback for MaxBounty :) (sample - Screenshot “AdsBridge - Next generation tracker and landing page builder! - Mozilla Firefox 2016-04-11 10.56.37.png”)

Here is a guide to quickly setup affiliate network on AdsBridge Affiliate Network setup on AdsBridge