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Free List Building Methods


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Free List Building Methods
Among other list building methods there are free list building methods that you can act on and gain tons of subscribers for your list. Although some free methods may work better than others, you should always try all the methods and see which one’s work best for you and that give you the constant flow of subscribers. Keep in mind that although these methods are free to use you can still however gain a lot of potential “targeted” subscribers. Here we will go over a few free methods that you can use.
Article Marketing
Using article marketing is a great and free way to generate subscribers for your mailing list. In this method you will want to create at least 5-10 keyword rich articles that relate to your niche, product, or website. You will want to research on what subjects people are looking for in your particular niche that surrounds your product or website that you want to promote and hopefully sell to gain new and interested subscribers. The best and easiest way to find subjects to write your articles on is by typing in your main keyword that is related to your product or website. The best place to find these keywords and subjects is Google Adwords. Here you can see how many CPC each keyword is receiving. The more popular keywords will be worth more on the CPC. Do not use a keyword that has under a $1 CPC. After you have researched and found your keywords, you then research the subjects under Google or Ezine Articles and read and gather all the information you need to create each article for each keyword. When you are writing your articles you will want to make sure you place your keyword in your article at least 2-3 times. This will make your article keyword rich and easier for viewers looking up those specific keywords to find your articles. There are many different article submitter companies and most are free submit your articles to. The most popular and most used article submitter company is Ezine Articles. Here you can submit your articles for free and as many as you’d like at a time. Submitting your article and quick and easy.
The key thing to remember when using this free method is placing your website or product site in the author’s box at the bottom of your article. This is where you will gain your subscribers that are interested in the product or website you are promoting. Once you have placed your link and few words that may entice the viewer to click on your link, your article is ready to be submitted and ready to gain subscribers. This is a great way to gain “targeted” traffic to your website or product site because the keywords are related to your product or website so therefore the viewer is already looking for information or products regarding your niche. So every subscriber you gain through your article marketing venture will be solely “targeted” on your business, making article marketing one of the top methods for marketers to use to gain tons of potential subscribers fast and easy.

Affiliate Programs

Another great way to gain potential subscribers is by using affiliate programs. This is a great and free method to use if you already have a product or service to offer. This is a quick and easy way to get your product or website out to potential subscribers without you having to do anything.
An affiliate program is a program set up for a product where other affiliates can sell your product and they receive a percentage of the sales from the product.
Once you have a product or website that is up and running and ready to be placed on the market you can then set up an affiliate program. Affiliate programs like I said before are set up where your affiliate can sell your product and receive a percentage of the sale for the product,
so when you set up your affiliate program you will want to set at least a 50% commission. Remember that the more commission you offer to the affiliate the more chance you have of an affiliate picking your product up.
When it comes to list building and affiliate programs, sometimes marketers will offer the affiliate a 100% commission in hopes of gaining more subscribers. This would be an option solely up to you and your business needs.
We love using affiliate programs because it’s traffic that you’re not touching and yet your product and website is still being promoted and being viewed by many potential subscribers.
There are tons of affiliate program companies that you can go through such as ClickBank, PaySpree, and RapBank. ClickBank is the most popular but it does require a small few. PaySpree and RapBank however are totally free for you to use and to place your products on the marketplace for affiliates to pick up and start promoting immediately.
So if you have a product or website ready to be promoted then an affiliate program is definitely something you will want to look into because it can gain a mega amount of subscribers for your list.


Forums are another great way to gain tons of potential subscribers for your list and at the same time are quick and easy to use.
You will first want to research and find forums surrounding your product or website. Once you have found the forums you will want to become a member. The key to the method of forums is constant and consistent postings daily. This is where you get noticed and the viewers are more prone to click on your link to your product or website. In most forums they allow you to have a signature placed at the end of every post that you post in their forum. Note that you will need to check the specifics of having a signature. A signature has to be your product or website, not an affiliate link. This is a big no-no and will get your username deleted and privileges denied by many forums. In your signature you will want to place a small advertisement to entice the viewer to click on your link. For example if you were selling a product on list building then you would want to have in your signature something to the effect of, “Having trouble building your list? Look no further! Click here for more details.”
Forums are viewed by tons of viewers so this is by far one of the best free methods you can use to gain potential subscribers for you list, just be sure to check the user guidelines and terms of use before posting anything in the forums.

Writing Testimonials

Writing testimonials is another free method you can use to gain a ton of subscribers for your list. In this method you will want to contact other marketers in the same niche as you. Here you can swap products and each review each other’s products. After each of you have gone through the products you then write a testimonial for their product and they do the same for you.
In the testimonials you recommend the marketers product and the benefit the consumer would gain by purchasing this product. At the end of your testimonials you will each put your link to your product or website. Generally a testimonial will be placed on a sales page for the product where viewers can view what you have to say about the product and why they should buy it. A lot of times, viewers will see the testimonials and click on your link also to see the products or services that you have available. If you have a squeeze page this is a great place to place your link and to get subscribers to sign up for your mailing list. This is a great method because you will gain not only interested subscribers but highly “targeted” subscribers.

Creating Your Own Blog

Creating your own blog for your product or website is another great and free way to gain potential subscribers. Here you create a blog and place content that surrounds your product or other viewers views on your product. A great way to use this free method is by creating an article regarding your product or service that you are trying to promote. At the end of the article you give the link to your squeeze page where you can tell them that they can get more information on the same content as the article. You can also place a sign up form on your blog where viewers can sign up from your blog to your mailing list. Blogs are a great way to also show your personal side as well as your business and by keeping constant, unique, and original content updated on your blog will ensure more potential subscribers to sign up for your mailing list.
Search engines love blogs and the more you ping your blog the more traffic you will receive to your blog. There are a lot of pinging services on the internet today and most of the services will ping your blog for free. Pinging is basically an alert to everyone letting them know that you now have new content that has been added to your blog. Search engines will crawl your blog and will generate the keywords that you use on your blog to viewers that are using those specific keywords to look for products or services such as yours. There are many different blog services that you can research and most are free and will even walk you through step by step on how to set up a successful and attractive blog.
There are just a few free methods that you can use to gain potential subscribers and won’t cost you a penny to try. Try each of these methods and see which one works best for you and your business. Only use the methods that work and truly gain you subscribers for your list and you will see that you can easily gain subscribers and the best part is it was free to do. What could be better?
These are some great tactics. Your signature is empty, you need 10 or more posts to gain it, so post quality and often so you can start gaining some traffic from this forum. If you came here in the needs of traffic of course.