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Free New Directory!!!!

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Free New Directory.

Free New Directory For Likeable Sites.
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Please do not post the same topic more than once or all posts will likely be deleted.

Thank you.
No problem man, we just get so many bots and smacks around here sometimes it's easy to sound like an @ss when posting as above.

BTW, I did check out your directory and it looks pretty snazzy.
this forum is neat
one of the admins here added this site to my directory
im making a design to spice things up should be up in the current weeks or so.
If you add some sort of family, home or relationship area that isn't lumped in with Society and Literature then I'll gladly submit

I'll even give you a reciprocal link, 88 x 31 banner and short description in my weblinks area if you wish.
that will be great for the reciprocal link i have change the categories
and i added Family & Relationships
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