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Free Theme For Wordpress

Install astra, they have a bunch of free themes over there. Install elementor and customize your page using this builder. There a lot of youtuber that teaches on how to build pages using elementor.

Tips : "Focus on smooth user experience"
Yes, this is what I was trying to say. I use blocksy and elementor on my site, there is almost no type of site you can't build with them. I heard a lot about astra too. These free themes are so customizable and more flexible than so many paid themes. The reason those who used paid themes do is probably because many of them don't know about these themes.
Does anyone know of a free theme for WordPress where you can have a blank canvas to work with to create a lead capture page? I want to copy the layout of a page I and have tried a number of free themes thus far with no success.

Thanks for all replies in advance...
Try Astra which is a theme that many like