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Free Tracking tool ?


New Member

I started my first campign and things are bit confusing, I realised that I need to track all my clicks and traffic but could not find any free tracking tool, I read affiliatefix guide for newbies on tracking but tools that are listed on that page are paid. Its my starting phase and I want to keep things on mimial, Please post here if you know any good tracking tools that are not paid.

prosper202 is free
but for mobile campaign is not not good at all
there are other solutions u can use
Pm me i will Show u what to Do
+ try thrive it's free 30 days
+ there is adsbradge they have free plan
there is many things u can start with it's not the end of the world bro :):):)
any Question let me know
prosper202 is free
but for mobile campaign is not not good at all
there are other solutions u can use
Pm me i will Show u what to Do
+ try thrive it's free 30 days
+ there is adsbradge they have free plan
there is many things u can start with it's not the end of the world bro :):):)
any Question let me know

I thought Prosper added mobile support in the 1.8.x version using the Mobile Detect library (GitHub - serbanghita/Mobile-Detect: Mobile_Detect is a lightweight PHP class for detecting mobile devices (including tablets). It uses the User-Agent string combined with specific HTTP headers to detect the mobile environment.).
Hi, try clickBakers :) There is 30 days Free trial and tracking technology helps segment traffic exceptionally crucial in mobile. I hope it helps
Hi, try clickBakers :) There is 30 days Free trial and tracking technology helps segment traffic exceptionally crucial in mobile. I hope it helps

Hey thanks for the tip :) I don't really like using trial versions unless I am sure I am gonna buy it though clickbakers looks nice but right now I am trying to keep my costs to minimum.