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Gambling directory structure...



Hey guys,

I am regularly getting submissions of gambling sites to my two bidding directories.

Few month back I have registered domain name especially for gambling directory but did not get myself togethere to put it online. Since I still feel that this kind of directory can bring some nice money flow I want to get it going asap...

My question is: from your experience (if you have some with gambling links) should I base this gambling directory on bidding script or make it a regular premium directory with variety of sponsored/featured options?

My options are LinkBidScript and eSyndicat Pro.

Thanks for suggestions!
I think you may generate more revenue if you base it on a bidding link that a regular directory, the reason I think so is that gambling sites tends to love being on the index page and they also seem to compete with one another, a bidding directory will help you play on this competition.

You can also use a regular directory and place a premium on listing that are featured on the homeage of the directory,
Thanks Temi, I also have feeling that "gambling spirit" may work better for this niche...

Any other oppinions?
