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Generating Your Own Revenue - Are You Being Controlled?


New Member
I don't want to start an anti-Google thread, so please - let's keep this to
the point of my question :)

I monetize certain websites, and leave others un-marketed. And when I do
build out a monetization plan for a site, I have to take into consideration all
the pluses and negatives of the current SEM trends.

But the one trend I won't follow - and this can hurt me in the end, so I
am VERY wise in it, as well as take a stand on it - is how at one point Google
says, "make your sites for users, not SEs", then they tell me when and
where to add non-W3C markup to my code because they can't (or won't)
clean up their SERPs without my help.

Of course, they are not the internet police, and can't make me do anything
(yes, I's their SE, and they can do anything with their results,
yada, yada, yada :) ), but the question remains, with them playing in the
"sold text links" via AdWords (and again, I know - it's their program,
yada, yada... :) area - do you feel that you are being controlled as to exactly
what you do with the marketing/monetizing of your sites?