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Getting high conversions, much more than bids and quality score


New Member

I just recently spent a couple of hundred bucks on a failed adwords campaign.

I say failed, however there are valuable learnings. In a rush to cover the Christmas period, I set up my account, got appropriate keywords, wrote good ads, set mid level bids.

I found that my quality score wasn't huge, even though I segmented my niche into three separate campaigns. I noticed that Google kept trying to get me to bid higher by saying my ad wouldn't be shown for this and that keyword, but if I left the prices moderately low, they eventually ended up being shown. This mainly happens when a competitor reaches the top, people click on their ad and have a high and fast bounce rate on the landing page, they then sink and its your turn.

What I learned is that I have to be bothered making a much more convincing SELLING landing page. I relied on either my homepage or my shopping cart main page, but neither have a particularly huge sales focus.

that is, they have all the right words, and images but they are not set up like traditional SQUEEZE pages. Not big fonts and array of colours.

My product and price is right, but the pages I sent the clickers to where more your traditional text based pages, NOT the kind that clobber your senses and drag you into buying. I was concerned that a squeeze page would add one more step where they might bounce off, but the reality it seems is that the landing page just didnt SELL them so they HAD to buy. Squeeze pages are a real art, and one that I will research a hell of a lot more before I spend any more money on adwords.

Anyone else have a better experience after they either updated their landing page, or created a great squeeze page???
I used to use Google ad-word to be honest with you the results have been a complete disaster. I used well over 20 $100 coupons, I made less than 6 sales out of those coupons. I'd recommend you to change your strategy a little bit, if you are spending real money at that thing and can't have a decent conversion rate it's not worth it.