The Most Active and Friendliest
Affiliate Marketing Community Online!

“AdsEmpire”/  Direct Affiliate

Good day, AffiliateFix members!

Hiya, @Jordy and welcome to the exciting new relaunch of AffiliateFix! Love the 'fro! :)

Just a few days ago, AFix relaunched with new, exciting features after merging with sister site WebsiteFix, and the recently acquired 5 Star Affiliate Programs. Along with a revamped design and improved functionality, for the first time, we are offering additional features and toolkit options that you may want to check out.

You may have already seen our SEO forum. If not, you can find here: Search Engine Optimisation

Anytime you have a question, or want to share something, just start a thread. :) People will respond.

Enjoy the forums, Jordy!
Hello everyone, whats up? Nice community you have here!

Hi @Jordy , nice to have you join us. Welcome to Affiliatefix!

How did you find us?

We have merged our previously known WebsiteFix and acquired, and merged, 5 Star Affiliate Programs with our newly redesigned and relaunched AffiliateFix. We hope you have a great experience with this community and find it plentiful, inspiring, and fruitful.

We have loads of great contributors posting actionable information every day.

I'm sure you will find we are a friendly and engaging group of marketers and easy to forge relationships with.

Looking forward to your posts and threads.

Check out the new enhanced membership option here.

See you around the forums.
