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Google Ad Manager: How much do you trust Google?



Introduction to Google Ad Manager
Google AdSense Blog
April 15, 2009

Google Ad Manager is a hosted ad management solution for publishers with smaller direct sales teams; it can help you sell, schedule, deliver, and measure all of your directly sold and network-based inventory.

Should I use Ad Manager?
You'll probably want to use Ad Manager if:

  • You operate a website and sell your ad inventory directly to advertisers (or plan to sell directly to advertisers in the future).
  • You'd like to improve the efficiency of your sales process and feel confident in your forecasting.
  • You've been left with unsold inventory because you weren't able to forecast availability accurately.
  • You need a consistent way to serve ads that make you the most money in undersold situations.
What are the benefits of using Ad Manager?
  • A simple, intuitive user interface: you can manage your campaigns, inventory, and advertiser data quickly and efficiently.
  • Revenue optimization and AdSense integration: the system will consistently deliver the highest-paying ad for every ad impression on your site.
  • Precise inventory forecasting: you'll be able to sell more of your inventory without overbooking it.
