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Google and 3-way Links


New Member
I often see stuff like this being emailed to me. Now I`ve heard that Google strongly disapprove of 3 way links. I`ve always steered clear of such arrangements. How is it then that these sites, which seem to me nothing more than single link pages with no other purpose in life, manage to get a Google PR?

Are they to be avoided at all costs?

Message: Dear Webmaster,
> I found your website by
> google search engine and it has a good link popularity. Sir, I handle online
> marketing for my clients site. To increase the link popularity of my
> client's site , I am now looking for traingular Link swapping with some good
> quality sites. You are already aware that Triangular Link swapping is much
> more popular and beneficial than Reciprocal Link exchange .This way both the
> sites gets the benefit of one way Linking. I would request you to place my
> client's link at your site with the following details.
Google disapprove of ANY link system that is designed to boost page rank and nothing else. This is why I am forever harping on about ensuring your links are good quality links between on topic pages.

People shout me down and say that this is not the case and that they work blah blah blah. What I am talking about is FUTUREPROOFING your seo. Whilst currently they might not devalue /penalise you, in the future they might WELL do this! Where then for the sites that carry out this practice?
So a competitor could add a site link to as many non quality sites as possible and Google would penalise the website owner when he/she was not aware that links were being added to non quality sites. Is this correct?

Thanks :)
Kinda yep, that is called Google Bowling, where you bowl over a website. You can only do this with weak sites though.

3 Way linking, imagine

site B is linked to by Site A

Site B Links to Site C

Site C links to site A

Site A NEVER links to site C

ALL these sites could get penalised because they are involved in a 3 way linking scheme designed to manipulate the page rank/page ranking/SERP call it what you like.
OWG, this is not the best new, since according to this all my websites should be penalized:)
OWG I do not want to offend you ( I do not have the right as I am to young as age and as experience in this domain ) but you seem to be agains any ways of creating links for your site.

How do you manage to get links for yours and your customer sites ? Because I know the content is important but who links for your site just because you have good content today ?
OWG's right however its always harder for the big G to prove 3 way links.

Lets say i link to your directory from my spurs site, then your directory linked to my directory, all coming from different C class ip's , and different Who is info ,how is google going to prove that this is a 3 way link ? they cant ! as long as you dont do it over and over again i cant see how they could do anything. Apart from maybe bringing in another factor that means links have nothing todo with inter linking and is purly todo with content. Of course this would mean that google would have to manually review every single site and would be be effective, so thats not going to happen :rolleyes:
I`ve read that as far as links from spammy sites are concerned Google won`t penalise a site which is being linked to from such a site, otherwise a competitor could use it to his advantage. In other words he could create crap sites with the sole intention of lowering the PRs of their competitors.
I`ve read that as far as links from spammy sites are concerned Google won`t penalise a site which is being linked to from such a site, otherwise a competitor could use it to his advantage. In other words he could create crap sites with the sole intention of lowering the PRs of their competitors.
Thats a very good point. For that reason i don't think google can penalize 3-way links. How can google bot tell the intention behind the way someone has linked. I think a lot of good sites would get penalized if that was the case.
I just think that some webmasters go for the saying : ' every thing that is nice is either illegal , imoral or makes you fat' ( i hope I got it right ) . Sometimes you just have to use certain methods in order to build your way up...
I will try to answer these step by step, but I am really busy at the moment.

Fristly Yahoo is the best at identifying un natural links, they simply throw ALL the sites out of their index.

Quote: bagi -OWG, this is not the best new, since according to this all my websites should be penalized
See you have jumped into it with both feet, I didn't say WILL get penalised, I said 'could'

quote Darstar -OWG I do not want to offend you ( I do not have the right as I am to young as age and as experience in this domain ) but you seem to be agains any ways of creating links for your site.
DS you have exactly the same right to challenge me as I do to challenge you, as long as we BOTH respect each other there is no issue here. :) I am ABSOLUTELY not against creating links for sites you MUSt get links to your site to rank on google. but you must get NATURAL links. ie NOT to your homepage from links pages. in Fact Google themselves TELL you to get links

Have other relevant sites link to yours.
Webmaster Help Center - Webmaster Guidelines Bold added by me to drive it home.

Darkstar - How do you manage to get links for yours and your customer sites ? Because I know the content is important but who links for your site just because you have good content today ?
Ok this is the meat ;) You need to contact other sites in the same game but not in competition, and you need to get contextual links. I am obviously not going to give away 100% my methodology on something this important (sorry). But the information above should set you off in the right direction.

Riverwire - how is google going to prove that this is a 3 way link ? they cant ! as long as you dont do it over and over again i cant see how they could do anything.
Google create a link map of the entire internet, they do this for two reasons, being to apply the PR algo, and for clustering and ordering groups of linked pages. What people are missing is that google have an existing set of expectation paramaeters for links. ANYONE who falls outside of those parameters 'could' have a flag raised, and an additional algorithmic investigation carried out. Google do NOT have to identify individual links, they ONLY have to discover un-natural link patterns and act accordingly. THIS is what a google rep said on the googlegroups forum

I wouldn't really worry about spam sites hurting your ranking by linking to you, as we understand that you can't (for the most part) control who links to your sites. However, there is some action you can take if you come across spam in Google's index. The preferred method of reporting spam to us is by clicking on "Report spam in our index" while logged into Webmaster Tools. If you don't have a Webmaster Tools account, you can use our non-authenticated spam report form: Report a Spam Result
Did you note the 'for the most part'? exactly the same as they say.
Also They appear to have hinted at it AGAIN here Webmaster Help Center - What can I do if I'm afraid my competitor is harming my ranking in Google?
There's almost nothing a competitor can do to harm your ranking or have your site removed from our index.
Got that ALMOST NOTHING, so by definition there HAS to be SOMETHING, which = google bowling.

I have stated this before but will state it again. I want you all to stop for a moment and HONESTLY think about the links you have NATURALLY posted in threads on forums and on your site. Now HONESTLY tell yourself how many of those links were from a links page to a home page?

NOW can you say what I am saying. the BULK of natural links online are DEEPLINKS to SPECIFIC CONTENT normally wrapped around a chunk of text that is RELEVANT to the bridge phrase.

Without putting it on a plate you should now know
1. how to ensure future spam filters do not catch you out.
2. how to build HIGH QUALITY backlinks.

Fire away again though because this is a real good discussion.
DS you have exactly the same right to challenge me as I do to challenge you, as long as we BOTH respect each other there is no issue here. I am ABSOLUTELY not against creating links for sites you MUSt get links to your site to rank on google. but you must get NATURAL links. ie NOT to your homepage from links pages. in Fact Google themselves TELL you to get links

Okay I agree with you on this one. But there still is this case:

- I find a blog related to the domain of the site I am trying to get links for
- I find that the webmaster sells links in the content ( you all know the thing with 3 links inside the blog post ) and I buy such blog post with my links in.

How would google know its a bought link and not a natural ?
They wouldn't, I am not sure why they should. If the site has related links to it, and the outbounds are related then you are spot on. If you write a quality article and braodcast it across blogs then fine :D
Google create a link map of the entire internet, they do this for two reasons, being to apply the PR algo, and for clustering and ordering groups of linked pages. What people are missing is that google have an existing set of expectation paramaeters for links. ANYONE who falls outside of those parameters 'could' have a flag raised, and an additional algorithmic investigation carried out. Google do NOT have to identify individual links, they ONLY have to discover un-natural link patterns and act accordingly. THIS is what a google rep said on the googlegroups forum

Thanks for that OWG very well explained :armada34:
Of course Google do not agree with buying links, but the only way they could find out if a links is paid or not in that scenario is that the blog owner would be advertising links for sale. HOWEVER if the article is well written (by you I assume), then it will be of use. If OTOH it is a crap article on a crap blog and the ONLY posts on the blog are paid posts, then again in time this IS likely to get picked up.

I have to ask you this question though. WHY would you pay, when there is every chance the dude would publish your article anyhow ;)
I agree there are, but then you have to ask yourself about the quality of the site. and on that not e I am off to my bed.