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Google and Static IP addresses


Well-Known Member

If you have visitors with static ip addresses and they visit your website daily e.g. you have a games site

Would Google ban your adsense account for invalid clicks if regular visitors with a static ip click on Google ads on your site daily?

Google look for click fraud PATTERNS. if this person with the static Ip goes to your site, clicks a link and never clicks a link anywhere else , then THAT would be un natural click patterns. If you had 5 visitors a day coming to your site then you might well find yourself in trouble. If OTOH you have 5000 a day then it is not going to be an issue.

It is done algorithmically, but you have to ensure that you are not encouraging anyone to click. If that IP address accesses google accounts, then you stand a step closer to being scrutinised, if that IP accesses YOUR account then damn right you will get banned (or run a serious risk).