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Google: Big, Scary, Expanding Everywhere Copy Monster



The Growing Portrait Of Google As A Big, Scary, Expanding Everywhere Copy Monster
by Danny Sullivan, Search Engine Land
Aug 7, 2011

Twice this year, Google?s been fairly frank and vocal about something competitors have done that it feels is unfair. Twice, I?ve watched the technosphere largely react by beating the company over the head with a ?You do whatever you want and copy everyone else? stick. Does that measure up, and more so than for Google than other companies?

The first time was this happened was in the wake of Google?s accusations that Bing was copying its search results. This week?s attacks have come after Google whined that Microsoft, Oracle and Apple were ganging up on it to stop Android through the use of ?bogus? patents, which those companies apparently overpaid for, in Google?s esteemed wisdom.

What Are You Whining About Now, Google?

Well, boo-hoo. It?s no wonder many probably nodded in agreement when John Gruber fired back that if the patents were so overpriced, why did Google itself bid $3 billion for them, at one point?
