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Google changes UK & Eire trademark policy


New Member
In a change many would see at good new for affiliate marketers who has been previously banned by big brand from using their name in Google adwords, the new changes Google made recently could help them.

In the past, Google is quick to pull adverts by affiliate marketers and other smaller guy when big brand names complain about their name being used in and advert....... its a long winded story, excerpts below, you can read the full revision here

What’s changing in AdWords Trademark Policy? When?
Google has made a policy revision that applies to complaints we receive regarding trademarks in the UK and Ireland. For complaints received on or after Friday, April 4, 2008, we will no longer review a term corresponding to the trademarked term as a keyword trigger. However, we will continue to perform a limited courtesy investigation of complaints regarding ad text purported to be in violation of a trademark.
Beginning May 5, 2008, keywords that were disabled as a result of a trademark investigation will no longer be restricted in the UK and Ireland.