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Google Images - indexing dynamic images

  • Thread starter TheeCommerceConsultant
  • Start date


Hi All,

Current doing some SEO on a site and a strange problem has occured regarding images.

The client would like their images indexed under a google image search, however, the images are held dynamically in the ecommerce system and the image path is a call url to the database, thus preventing google from indexing the images. So a search returns very little results. - Google Image Search

But, if you search MSN - Live Search Images

you get all the results. I have to say I really like the format of MSN image search results.

So anyone come across this before, how did you get google to index the images?

On a side note has anyone noticed if having images indexed makes any differance to your results SERP's?

Not sure if I have explained it correctly, let me know

So you're images are being pulled on the fly by a MYSQL database? if that is the case I have no idea but optimising the images will help obviously.

All my e-commerce stores are custom built so nothing is "generated".

" On a side note has anyone noticed if having images indexed makes any differance to your results SERP's?"

No because there two entirely different databases, they just run parallel to each other.

Yep being pulled from a sql source. but not generateed on the fly, quite a nifty solution they upload one image (the largest) and on upload the system resizes the images for all sizes needed (popup, product page, thumb etc..) then they are called dependant on page location. Works very well and saves the client from having to produce 5 different sizes for each product, thus a product goes live quickly and cost effectivly.

All my e-commerce stores are custom built so nothing is "generated".

What nothing? tell me your secret! how can you have ecommerce where you custom build every page? must be an incredibly small product range or you have just become my hero! Or most likely I have not understood what you mean, please explain.

No because there two entirely different databases, they just run parallel to each other.

Thanks for that, have never noticed a correlation in search results to having images indexed or not, that at least confirms this, can you divulge your source for that info?


Nothing is generated at all. We have managed to build a "template" style store that you literally upload your product details/images onto the "template page" and then add on to the site.

Then for the products that are end of line for example I am experimenting with the "unavailable_after" tag so the spiders stop crawling after a set date. In this case when you are close to selling out of that product or a product that is on special offer for 30 days say.

Think of it like just building a static HTML site.

I think the smallest e-commerce site I own has around 2000 items on it and thats just selling high-end clothing.

Yes it means more pages and more work, however, this little extra workload results in my stores dominating each of their respective niches for all the keywords I have targeted.

So the little extra 10 minute effort is worth the time.

As for the image search thing, thats just my theory from being involved in SEO/SEM for almost 12 years. I have no conclusive evidence for this but every experiment I have done leads to no proof of images listed in Google helps in ranking your site higher.

But you must generate something like the navigation catagory / product listing otherwise it would become unmanagable, surely?

Actinic creates static html pages but they are 'generated' from a gui with an access database. If you use a template then surely by definition you are generating your pages from that? I can't beleive that every time you add a catagory you have to update every page in your site. Guess generating needs definition. In my book everything is pretty much generated.

Anyho tomato tamato ;-)

I am experimenting with the "unavailable_after" tag so the spiders stop crawling after a set date

Interesting, how are you finding that? guess it beats a global content expiary, could you not just acheive this using base / sitemap feeds?

As for the image search thing, thats just my theory from being involved in SEO/SEM for almost 12 years. I have no conclusive evidence for this but every experiment I have done leads to no proof of images listed in Google helps in ranking your site higher.

Agreed my thoughts exactly, thanks for clarifying that. I have a site that ranks fairly well with the robots noimage meta and it does not seem to affect it at all. Just making sure on the usual seo assumptions.

Actinic is an excellent e-commerce package. Probably one of the best around.

Each and every e-commerce developer has their own way of doing things. I guess I like to be different and push boundaries rather than follow others.

The new e-commerce template system is experimental at the moment and no, it's pretty easy to manage. It's all about site architecture and how that's created.

It's one of those that sound daunting in text but when you use the system it's pretty easy.

The "unavailable_after" tag is working pretty well so far, no complaints.

Actinic is an excellent e-commerce package. Probably one of the best around.

Agreed works very well to a certain level, then just gets on your ....

I guess I like to be different and push boundaries rather than follow others.

So is that evolution? ;-)

It's one of those that sound daunting in text but when you use the system it's pretty easy.

Yeah I think I know where you are coming from, always a comprimise between design / functionality / seo / usability, so long as your cost per product live is not too harrowing then you are on a winner. Recently did some consultancy and worked out that it cost them nearly 200 pounds for each product they put on their site! crazy amount and seriously damaging profit per item sold.

The "unavailable_after" tag is working pretty well so far, no complaints.

Cool thanks for that, tonights research sorted must make it a pint of tea!