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Google Instant: Implications



Google Exec: Instant? Why Worry?
by Juan Carlos Perez, IDG News
Sep 13, 2010

Google shook the search market last week with the launch of Google Instant, a new feature that lets the company's search engine refresh results on the fly as people type their queries.

Eager to speed up how people craft queries and choose site links and ads, Google said it developed Instant to be not "search as you type" but rather "search before you type." Instant combines Google's existing query suggestion feature with a new ability to refresh the result sets based on Google's predictions of the users' intended search terms.

As tends to happen whenever Google introduces a potentially disruptive technology, a debate has sprouted, in this case focused on how Instant potentially changes three things: the way publishers optimize their pages to rank in Google results; the way marketers pick and bid on keywords for search ad campaigns; and the way end users articulate queries and review results.

How Google Instant Will Affect Businesses

How Google Instant Will Affect Businesses
by Helen M. Overland
Sep. 13, 2010

There's been a lot of conjecture and wild accusations about what Google Instant means to the SEO community. But what about our clients? How do we answer their questions when they ask us what Google Instant means for their businesses? It's one thing to say that SEO is dead, or SEO has to evolve, but in reality, a lot of this debate is a fun form of intellectual navel-gazing. What about what actual businesses are asking about Google Instant? Here's a round-up of some of the questions and answers that we've fielded so far:

1. Is everyone now using Google Instant?
2. Will we have to do SEO differently?
3. Do I need to start optimizing my site for partial words?

Partial words maybe a big factor now, and LTAS already is seeing drops in traffic - some say we should start targetting letters lol, how ridiculous is that going to get.