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Google Kills Google Places Tags in Favor of Google Boost

Linda Buquet

New Member
Google Places Tags have been a low cost ad option for about a year. Tags were only $25 a month, but the product was in beta and there were lots of problems with it. Many still report all kinds of billing problems with the service.

Google is obviously now pushing business owners toward the Boost advertising option which is a KISS version of Adwords.

Last week Google killed off the HotPot brand and merged it into Google Places to be just one of the features of Google Places.

<a href="">An Update on Tags</a> - Official Google Blog

We’ve made a decision to shift our efforts toward other present and future product offerings for local businesses, and will be discontinuing this trial. To that end, we’ve now halted new signups and will be working with existing participating businesses over the coming weeks to help them meet their marketing needs with other Google products where possible.

We’ve learned a lot from our Tags trial and will take that knowledge into account as we continue to find the best ways to serve users and local businesses alike. Lastly, we want to thank all of the businesses that were part of our Tags trial, and we hope we can meet their advertising needs with one of our existing products.

Welcome to the TEMPORARY home of our Google Places Forum.
Eventually this forum may move to our sister site at
Catalyst eMarketing.