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Google: Links from subdomains now considered internal links



Google Classifies Subdomains As Part Of The Main Domain Now
by Barry Schwartz, Search Engine Roundtable
Sep 1, 2011

The Google Webmaster Blog announced a significantly large change to how Google Webmaster Tools classifies subdomains.

Prior, subdomains would be considered separate sites and thus a link from a subdomain would be considered an external link by Google, in Google's reports. Today, Google is changing that and now considering those links internal links.

Update from Google: Subdomain Change Not For Algorithms or Rankings

Google: Subdomain Change Not For Algorithms or Rankings
by Barry Schwartz
Sep 5, 2011

Last week, we reported Google changed how Google Webmaster Tools reports links from subdomains.

There was speculation that this change also meant that Google has changed how they handle subdomains for ranking purposes. That is not true.

Googler, Pierre Far said in a Google + post that this is not true. He said it is only related to reporting within Google Webmaster Tools and not for how Google handles ranking.
